About me

I started my career over 15 years ago as a digital designer at one of London’s most celebrated independent creative communications agencies. Four enjoyable and educational years later I began freelancing, working in various large multinational agencies before being drawn to the world of innovative tech start ups. After learning many lessons from both sides of the fence, I now enjoy purposeful working with like-minded souls on projects that make an impact on people and planet. I have a particular interest in mental health, social justice and planet positive initiatives.

I’m a musician, a traveller, a lover of performing arts, our beautiful planet and the great outdoors.

Currently fascinated by mycology and decentralised autonomous organisations.


DigitalArt4Climate NFT Art competition at COP26 - Finalist
Illustration for Motion course - School of Motion 2022
Becoming a Climate Designer - Terra.do course 2021
DBA Inclusive Design Awards - Winning team 2009
Arsenal, AOL, Audi, Barclays, Beavertown, Capcom, Clarkes, Fly Green Alliance, HSBC, Honda, Lovefilm, Network Rail, Orange, Pretzel Films, Sky, Soho Gyms, Super Payments, The Good Mental Health Company, Turner Media Innovations, Unilever, Universal, Virgin, Vodafone, Zavvy
BBH, Clinic London, Digitas LBi, Fjord, Ogilvy, The BIO Agency, Think Jam
Kat is a brilliant designer and creative lead and has a broad set of skills from UI Design to brand development. She works in a way where she distills and reduces the core essence of a brand and creates a design program around that. She's always surprising me with her work. Lovely to work with and she can sing as well, what more could you ask for.
- Gary Hoff, Creative Director & Consultant
Everything Kat touches turns into fresh, beautiful and functional design. With a raw passion towards everything creative, Kat approaches every brief with commitment and enthusiasm. From websites to banner ads, idea generation to branding, she exceeds herself every time.
- Jenny Theolin, Independent Design & Education Consultant

People say the nicest things

Kat's a superb designer, diligent, thinks things through, a stickler for a project to be managed well so she can do her job to her best (don't we all). Very confident in her design ability, design thinking, communication and execution. She shines daily.
- Nick Clement, Glug
Kat is an extremely talented designer with vast amounts of experience and boundless creative flair. She has a structured and goal oriented work ethic and always produces stellar results.
- Abakar Saidov, CEO - Beamery

β˜• Fancy a cuppa and a chat?

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