Find Out Now

Branding, product design + illustration
Find out now is a research platform providing rapid, affordable and forensic data to inform insight, support strategy and guide communications.

Unlike traditional market research companies that can be costly and inefficient, Find Out Now ensures businesses with thousands of real responses within minutes, up to 100,000 a day from a wider community of 2.5 million UK residents.

My Contributions
As head of product and design, I was responsible for the UX and UI design, the brand identity and marketing and sales collateral.
Find Out Now was born out of a revenue boosting strategy in order to better utilise the Pick My Postcode member base. Clients are able to create targeted micro surveys which are then hosted on the Survey Draw. In exchange for voluntarily answering a 1-3 question survey, the winning postcode of the day is revealed. We're able to generate up to 1,000 responses in as little as 4 minutes at peak time.
Find Out Now
Oct 2018 — March 2022
Key tasks
  • Competitor analysis
  • User research to understand pain points, gathering of quant/qual data
  • UX & UI design
  • Prototyping
  • User testing
  • Sales presentations and marketing collateral
  • Brand identity
  • Illustration